Monday, April 9, 2007

Besides, not being satisfied and contented..

Most of mind display same characteristic.

Mind is very egoistical. It influences us to heavily act with pride. It is always not satisfied and not contented. Because of this, it influences us to be never truly at peace. It gives us a sense of disquiet.

The feeling of always hungry or desiring something may result to incessantly search something to feed on. The desire could be on an exciting thought, the pleasure of going on a vacation, the need to buy something new, change furniture, watch a movie, visit a park, go to the beach, rest and relax, write a book or maybe to get new love partner.

Besides, not being satisfied and contented, our mind is also a greedy bugger! How many times have we over-ordered food when we were hungry? Or bought new shoes, a tie, shirt or accessories knowing that it was more than enough? How many of us return the extra money the cashier accidentally gives?

Greed is also reflected by how we tend to hold on tightly to all that we have. For example, how many of us donate money regularly? Parting with some loose change when we take pity on a beggar does not count.

Our mind is also easily get bored about something. It however becomes excited whenever it comes into contact with something new. Say that we recently bought something new for example a new car. After several months, maybe six or less, the new car is just another car and does not offer as much excitement and joy as it did when we first purchased it.

The “feel good” sensation in having something that we desire before didn’t last very long.

Our mind worries a lot and sometime gives us fear. Reflect back on how we feared and worried about future events and, often, most of them did not come to pass. This is caused by our mind creature giving us thoughts of all possible failures and disasters which may befall in the future.

The following are some fears and worries most people face in their lives:

  • Embarrassment of fumbling during public speaking,
  • Fear of being asked to speak or sing when an entertainer does his rounds during a company annual dinner or any events
  • Your lover or spouse liking someone else and eventually leaving you
  • Meeting with an accident
  • Our children mixing with the wrong company
  • Do not have enough money for retirement.

Try thinking back on how many of our fears and worries actually materialized? Not very many, isn’t it? Our mind is a creature which craves for sensual pleasure. Be careful what we expose it to. It feeds on substances and is excited and easily addicted to them. These include alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, opium, benzodiazepines and barbiturates.

The mind can also be addicted to experiences such as shopping, gambling, online gaming, pornography, sex, masturbation, fishing, work, etc.

Other pleasant experiences which the mind latches on to, but may not get addicted to, include going on a vacation. Recall the time we had a lovely long holiday, and how reluctant we felt going back to work.

The mind is averse to public speaking because it fears public ridicule and embarrassment. The mind is tricky and very clever and persuasive at drawing our consciousness to what it has to say.

Our mind incessantly bombards with thoughts, continuous chatter, images, memories of the past, plans for the future, ideas, background music, humming, etc.

It stealthily sucks our consciousness into its world and controls our mood and behavior. Indeed some of us are very much under its influence, more so than others.

Those who have a stronger consciousness need to be ever vigilant. The moment our consciousness slips, we will unknowingly be lost in our mind-conjured world.

Some of us who are heavily influenced by our mind will certainly display our mind characteristic. Similarly, some who are more in control of minds will display less of the mind characteristics.

In fact, there is duality between our mind and our true consciousness. It is something that we have to appreciate.

Thus, it’s not surprising for most of us to think that our mind is a part of ours and hence believe mind characteristics to be our own.

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